Around the world with the MOGUNTIA Food Trends 2024! Our fourth trend magazine in 2024 is all about sensory flavours.
We present three products that enrich sensory cuisine.


We usually only realize how important our senses are when eating when we experience them to their full extent. Of course, taste remains the most important factor, but what good is it if the dish isn’t visually appealing or doesn’t smell the way we want it to?

For this reason, it is all the more important today that we optimize our products and dishes for all the senses.Whether with strong spice blends that give us a feeling of vacation through the smell alone or through a visually unusual presentation with smoke.
The possibilities are endless.

One cuisine that is known for its sensory diversity is Asian cuisine. Regional trend cuisines such as Thai (83%) and Southeast Asia (74%) are particularly popular with consumers*.

So enchant all your customers’ senses in the future!


*Moguntia, “Would you buy this?”, own survey (n=504), 2023

DEKORA® China-pan | I58540

Addition: 300-350 g/kg

AROMETTE® South Asian Jiao Yan | M4256

Addition: 100-120 g/kg

AROMETTE® Red Thai curry with coconut seasoning cream CL| M4326

Addition: 100 g/kg

Are you interested in our products? Then arrange a consultation now.



1 kg duck breast
120 g mangetout
30 g ginger
100 g AROMETTE® South Asian Jiao Yan | M4256
1 pc. string


  • Make a diamond-shaped incision in the skin of the duck breast and cut open in the middle so that you can open the breast.
  • Cover the breast with the mangetout and thinly sliced ginger
  • Place the duck breast together and roll up with the string.
  • Finally, marinate the outside.


Grill or pan-fry until crispy on the skin first and cook for the last few minutes on the flesh side to create a pink center.



1 kg turkey breast
200 g sugar melon / honeydew melon
400 g AROMETTE® Red Thai curry with coconut seasoning cream | I89129
10 pcs. bamboo skewers 90 cm | I89129


  • Cut the fillet from the turkey breast and remove the fat and tendons.
  • Cut the turkey breast into thin roulades.
  • Remove the core from the melon and cut off the skin.
  • Cut the melon into 0.5 cm thick slices, place on top of the turkey roulade and roll up.
  • Close with the skewer and marinate on the outside.


Fry on the grill or in a pan until cooked all around.



This year, the exciting “Smoke & Fire” trend has established itself and is continuing its triumphal march in our kitchens. It takes the fascinating diversity of the art of grilling to a whole new level and inspires with intense sensory perceptions.

Various innovative techniques allow our barbecue experiences to shine in new splendor: From flame
grilling, smoking and scoring to the Binchotan brûlée, which is given a unique, captivating dimension through caramelization with Japanese charcoal. Unconventional elements such as burnt flour also find their way onto the grill to create unmistakable flavor combinations.

These methods demonstrate the constant evolution and creativity in the world of barbecuing and open up an impressive spectrum of culinary possibilities for barbecue fans worldwide. Be inspired by “Smoke & Fire” and experience the art of barbecuing at the highest sensory level!

Source: MOGUNTIA Trendbook 2024-2025

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